On-line via Zoom
Monday 30th September 2024 11am – 12:30pm

To download the meeting agenda click here
To download a copy of these minutes click here

Graham Biggs (Chair of Directors & Company Secretary) (GB)
Kerry Booth (Rural Services Network) (KB)
Cheryl Fitchet (South East Water) (CF)
Gerry Gilmurray (SP Energy Networks) (GG)
Jo Giles (Cadent Ltd) (JG)
Stacey Otter (Anglian Water) (SO)
Professor Martin Phillips (Research Director & RE Director) (MP)
John Varley (Clinton Devon Estates) (JV)
Bethan Aldridge (minute-taker) (BA)

1. Welcome and introduction
GB welcomed everyone to the annual meeting and thanked the Supporters’ Group for its continued financial support without which no research could be undertaken. It was  also an opportunity to outline what has been done in terms of research and for Supporters to feedback and comment on these areas of work. The research enabled Rural England CIC to better understand the lived experiences of vulnerable, rural residents, and the context for issues faced by them and also for rural businesses.

2. Apologies for absence
Vanessa Mallinson (Severn Trent Water), Elizabeth Warwick (Wales & West Utilities) , David Inman (RE Director)

3. Minutes of previous meeting – 20.04.23 (see link)
RE Supporters – Minutes 20.04.23
The Minutes were accepted and there were no matters arising.

4. Rural England work in 2023/24 and 2023/24 – research activity
a) To include a presentation on the “PSR Code Group Report” by Graham Biggs, Chair of Directors and Company Secretary
NB: This report is CONFIDENTIAL & EMBARGOED until it’s launch at the Vulnerability Day    

GB worked through a PowerPoint presentation that had been written by the researchers from Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI). See link to presentation.

The study aimed to understand the lived experiences of vulnerable rural residents on the Priority Services Register, focusing on those with mental health or dementia issues, medical equipment dependency, and visual impairments. The findings highlighted unique challenges faced by rural residents, including geographical limitations, transportation issues, and digital connectivity problems.  The study identified the need for better support and mitigation strategies for the challenges faced by these groups in accessing services and maintaining their routines.

In the meeting, the Group shared their thoughts on the research’s impact and the need for continued collaboration. They discussed the importance of raising awareness about the Priority Services Register (PSR) and the challenges faced by rural communities including digital exclusion.

Action:  GG was invited to join the PSTN switch-off sub group after discussions with JG.

b) To include a presentation on theChange and Challenge in English Small Towns and Their Town Centres – Overview Reportby Professor Martin Phillips, Research Director
NB: This report is CONFIDENTIAL & EMBARGOED until it’s launch at the Vulnerability Day    

MP provided a summary of the Overview and Full Report.  See link to presentation

The report looks at the socioeconomic challenges faced by small towns in England, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus was on the central areas of these towns, such as High Streets, and the engagement of local authorities, businesses, and community groups with central government funding initiatives.  The report also explored local initiatives aimed at addressing these challenges and capitalising on the potential of these towns

The report looked at the funding distribution for small towns in the UK, with the Towns Fund and the Future High Street Fund having relatively small numbers of small towns being funded. The decision-making process was criticised for being non-transparent and politically biased. The study also highlighted issues with access to central government funding for councils with direct responsibility for small towns, as they often had to go through higher tier authorities to apply for funds.

The relevance of deprivation indices in allocating funds was questioned, particularly in relation to small rural towns facing unique challenges such as access to services and transport issues. The report looked into the demographic changes in various communities, particularly in coastal and former coalfield areas, and the challenges faced by these communities, such as young people moving away due to lack of employment opportunities and the absence of in-migration of overseas migrants.

MP discussed the challenges faced by small towns in the UK, particularly in terms of economic role, public buildings, service provision, retail change, and labour availability. The participants questioned in the study highlighted the impact of the pandemic on consumer behaviour and the future of the High Street. They also discussed attempts to address these problems, such as improving the visual appearance of town centres and repurposing buildings for new activities.

Suggestions for support included for more inclusive funding policies, targeted economic development, addressing social inequalities, and empowering local communities to realise their plans.

Action:  Rural England to organise and host the Rural Vulnerability day on Tuesday, 19th November.
Action:  Rural England to present research findings on small towns and utility vulnerabilities at the Rural
Vulnerability day
Action: Rural England to engage with new rural MPs to raise awareness of rural issues

5. Rural England research proposals for the next 12 months
a) GB informed the meeting that MP is leading on a research proposal to understand people’s attitudes towards energy and water conservation in rural areas, particularly in areas with high levels of fuel and water poverty. The report is scheduled for completion in May/June 2025.

b) The second research proposal (funded by Calor Ltd with match funding from National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise (NICRE)), will explore the challenges posed by the electrification of rural communities.  The research work will be led by the CCRI.  The research questions are still in draft form and to be approved by Rural England Directors. GB noted that the second proposal will start relatively quickly, with half of the budget to be spent by the end of January.
Action: Once approved by RE Directors and NICRE, CCRI to begin research on rural electrification challenges, contacting relevant organisations for input.

c) MP provided an update on the State of Rural Services 2024 report and gave a presentation on the Research being undertaken  See link to presentation

Focus areas of the Report include economic services, access to educational, cultural, or welfare services, health services, and transport and communication services.  MP also highlighted the significant variations in access to cash points and broadband connectivity across rural areas, using data from the Financial Conduct Authority and Ofcom.

Action: MP to complete the State of Rural Services Report by November.  It is hoped to launch the report fully or provide a substantial  overall summary statement at the Rural Vulnerability Day.

6. Roundtable session – Supporters to provide a brief update on research/developments and any rural service delivery messages arising from the wider UK political and geo-political context   
GG noted that the current political climate had given organisations such as Rural England, a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity to influence MPs and the need to consider rural contexts when planning policies.  GB agreed and that the challenge was to ensure they saw the “social value” of investing money in rural areas due to the current economic climate.

7. Any Other Business
GB thanked everyone for taking part in today’s meeting and for sharing feedback. He also thanked everyone for their continued support and to reiterate that it is this support that enables Rural England CIC to do its work, whilst highlighting the uniqueness of the research undertaken.

Meeting closed at 12:24pm