Wessex Water supplies drinking water to 1.3 million people in the south west of England.
Wessex Water catchment management began in 2005. It involves working with local farmers and landowners within the catchment areas of public water supply boreholes and reservoirs in order to safeguard the quality of groundwater and surface waters. The objective of Wessex Water catchment management is to stabilise and then reduce the levels of contaminant at each source so no additional treatment is required.
We work in partnership with local farmers and landowners because we do not own the land that makes up the water supply catchments. It allows us to influence and implement changes in agricultural land use and practice to reduce the levels of nitrate and pesticide entering the ground and surface water environments.
We believe that the business objectives of the water and farming industries complement each other and that we can work together to achieve our goals without damaging the wider environment. Many farmers appreciate working with Wessex Water in catchment management and recognise the service our catchment advisers provide to the partnership.
It is not only individual farmers who appreciate working with Wessex Water. We have liaised closely with various organisations including the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) on catchment management initiatives.
At Wessex Water we are better equipped than ever to identify, reach and support people in vulnerable circumstances. And the number is growing. That means the requirement for and the pressure on our services will grow enormously. We are aware that many customers in our region are rurally isolated, many digitally isolated and potentially in vulnerable circumstances this could be financially or due to age, ill health, a disability, mental illness or additional needs. We work in partnership with a range of organisations to support customers who need it most.
For more information – partnerhub.wessexwater.co.uk/