We were pleased to host the 2020 Parliamentary Rural Vulnerability Day which took place in Portcullis House on 10th March 2020.
To download the agenda for the day click here
Rural England Report:
Challenges facing rural 16-18 year olds in accessing appropriate education and work based learning:
This report looks at the challenges facing 16-18 year olds living in rural areas in accessing appropriate opportunities for education and work based learning. It also considers the possible implications of accessibility constraints on students’ attainment and on social mobility.
– To download the full report click here
Vulnerability Booklet:
To download the vulnerability booklet associated with the event click here
Presentations from the day can be downloaded below:
1. Challenges facing rural 16-18 year olds in accessing appropriate education and work based learning – Presentation by Jane Hart, Director, Rural England CIC
2. Rural isolation and lack of infrastructure – Presentation by Nik Harwood, Chris Bown and Shalia Frew on their experiences as young people living in Somerset
3. EU Youth Dialogue: Progress & Updates – Implementation phase Presentation by Andrea Ugrinoska, International Participation Coordinator, British Youth Council
*To download the handout which accompanied this presentation click here
(Andrea was unable to attend on the day but is happy to share her presentation and handout material)
4. Tailoring housing to address the needs of young people – Presentation by Gavin Jones, Head of Communications and External Affairs, Hastoe Group